Most of us want to help each other in some way or another, whether that be to shoulder one's burdens, be the voice of hope in times of pain and sorrow, or even share in joy. But often times, we are unsure how to make that happen.
If you are someone who wishes to serve others, there are many opportunities within the Family Life Office to accompany and guide others on the journey to heaven. The Family Life Office stands ready to equip you or your parish team to serve one another in a Christ-like way. Family ministry trainings and resources include:
BeYouTeaFul! Chastity Formation Resource Packet - with step-by step instructions and all materials for hosting BeYouTeaFul! at your parish. BeYouTeaFul is an experiential program to prompt girls to discover what true beauty is, how to channel their inner grace and become the beautiful persons God created them to be. The event also equips mothers to share God’s gift of femininity with their daughters. Free to Archdiocese of Santa Fe parishes; $50 for other groups.
Crossing the Threshold of Hope Ministry Training - a four-part workshop to equip parish ministers of consolation. Topics covered include: the Theology of Hope; Catholic Prayers and Rites of Consolation; Stages and Characteristics of Grief; Theology of the Body Applied; and the Ministry of Consolation: Full Spectrum. A minimum of four participants is required.
Divorce Recovery Support Group Facilitator Training - a half-day orientation for starting and leading a support group using Rose Sweet’s Catholic Divorce Survival Guide, including a complimentary leader’s guide and set of DVDs.
FOCCUS Facilitator Training - a stand-alone, three-hour training session for candidates chosen by the parish to facilitate FOCCUS Inventory results with engaged couples.
Mariposas Facilitator Training - a workshop designed to equip lay ministers to lead a Mariposas Support Group in their parish. Mariposas is a support group for family members with loved ones suffering an addiction. Content includes information on addiction and practice in ways to: get loved ones to reduce or eliminate substance abuse behaviors; get resistant loved ones into substance abuse treatment; and decrease depression, anxiety, and anger in families who struggle with addiction. A minimum of two facilitators per group. Each group is paired with a counselor from the ASF Therapist Network.
Marriage Enrichment Program - a one-day leadership training for couples interested in starting a Marriage Enrichment Group at their parish.
Marriage Preparation Mentor Couple Training - a three-session (1.5 day) orientation for couples selected by the parish to mentor couples engaged to marry in the Church. Orientation includes overview of the ASF vision, goals, and objectives for marriage preparation, an overview of the contents of the Called by Love mentor program and resources available to couples with special pre-marital circumstances, FOCCUS Facilitator Training, and demonstrations of mentoring session using Called by Love.